Sani Japa Parihara Poojas

Sani Peyarchi Preethi Parihara Japa Pooja – Sani Shanti Pooja

Shani Peyarchi or Shani Transt Details: (As per Drik Panchang – Drigganita or Trikanitha)

  • Date of Transit: 29th March 2025
  • From: Kumbha Rashi
  • To: Meena Rashi
  • Duration: Shani Bhagwan will reside in Meena Rashi until 23rd February 2028.

This Saturn transit is

  1. Very Good for Rihaba Rasi (Taurus), Thula Rasi (Libra) and Makara (Capricorn)
  2. Average for Mithuna (Gemini), Kataka (Cancer) and Vrishicka rasi (Scorpio)
  3. Bad for Kumbha (Aquarius) and Meena (Pisces) and Mesha (Aries)   – 7½ Shani – Sade Sati
  4. Very bad for Simha (Leo) (8th place.. Astama Shani) , Dhanusu (Sagittarius) ( 4th – Arthastama shani) and Kanni (Virgo) (7th Place – Kalathra Sthana (Kandaka Shani)

For the upcoming Shani Peyarchi Preethi Parihara, we have decided to conduct Shani Japa consistently throughout the year, starting from 29th March 2025 and continuing until 23rd February 2028

The Shani Parihara Pooja is highly recommended for the following:

  • Simha (Leo) and Dhanusu (Sagittarius): For protection against critical health and life challenges.
  • Kanni (Virgo): To protect from disputes in husband-wife relationships, challenges with in-laws, and concerns related to critical health and life challenges overall
  • The three zodiac signs experiencing the Sade-Sati (Ezharai Shani) period—Kumbha (Aquarius), Meena (Pisces), and Mesha (Aries): For support and relief during this challenging and severe testing phase as you may face problems in multiple areas of your life..


  • Mithuna (Gemini), Kataka (Cancer), and Vrischika (Scorpio) : You may opt for this pooja if you face difficulties due to Shani.
  • The Pooja is not required for Rishaba (Taurus), Thula (Libra), and Makara (Capricorn).

Today’s Pooja (done on 24.3.2025)

How are we planning to do the Shani Parihara Pooja: 

  1. We are planning to perform this Shani Preethi parihara japa pooja throughout the year till 23rd February 2028  
  2. Number of Japas daily: We will perform Ashtothra Sata Sankhya (108 japas) of any one Shani mantra (Shani Gayatri or Moola Mantra) and Ashtothra Sata Sankhya (108 japas) of any one of Athi or Prathyathi devatha of Shani or Hanuman, Bhairva, Chakrathalwar or Yama (Gayatri or Moola Mantra. 
  3. We will stream the shani pooja live everyday morning by sharing the link through whatsapp. (include us 9944888886  in your contact list and send a message.)
  4. You can join anytime from March 2025 to February 2028 for any number of days … say 48 days, 108 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, whole period etc.
  5. Need to contribute Rs.10 per day per person.

Cost of the Shani Preethi Parihara Japa pooja 

Within India:
Need to contribute Rs.10 per person per day. (If you pay for more than one person, please pay separately and send a message separately so that it will be easier for us.) 

Outside India:
Need to pay US$1 per day per person. .

How to Join

 Kindly send us a whatsapp message to our number 9944888886 with the following details :

  • Details for Sankalpa : Name, Nakshatra & Rasi (or date/time/place of birth), Gotra if known for Sankalpa.
  • Time period :  When you want to start the pooja – Start Date – End Date – Number of days.

How to Pay

Option 1: You can transfer funds online to : SRIVATHSAN KRSIHNASWAMY – ICICI A/c No.0014 0102 3224 (Branch: Srirangam; IFSC Code: ICIC0006125

Option 2: , You can also pay through Paytm, GPay or Phonepe to our number 9944888886

Option 3: If you are living outside India, You can also send through PAYPAL. Paypal id :::

Option 4: You can send a DD/Cheque in favour of K.SRIVATHSAN payable at Trichy and can be sent alongwith your required details to our address:

K.SRIVATHSAN, S-3, Bharath Castle, Old EB Office Road, Srirangam, Trichy – 620006. Tamilnadu.   

for more details, plz. contact. Srivathsan @ 99 44 88 88 86 

