Ketu Yantra (Navagraha Yantras)

Ketu Yantra
Ketu yantra is very useful to negate the bad effect of Ketu dasa bhukti period. Usually when our effort is not giving fruitful result for a longer period, it may be due to Rahu & Ketu. Praying Rahu & Ketu and/or doing shanti parihara to ketu & rahu or Having rahu & ketu yantras will help getting more benefit for our efforts.
What is Yantras and Why we need Energized Yantra:
When we do prayers, Homa or at temple, we feel vibration but it is temporary. We are not able to extend this positive vibration for a longer period.
Hindu Saints found an idea to store the vibration for a much longer period. They used panchloga (5 materials viz., Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron and Lead… all are very good conductors of Energy) to make idols. (It is like recording a song and enjoying it forever)
Gold and silver are costlier. Copper is the second best conductor of energy after Silver but much cheaper than silver. So it is widely used as a medium to store/save the Vibration of Mantra for a longer period of time in the form of Yantra which are made in Copper.
Energization of Yantra: Saving the Positive Vibration of Mantra in the Yantra is called Energization of Yantra. Correct mantras for the Yantra need to be chanted with requisite number of Time. This is what is called energization of Yantra. It is of no use to keep an yantra which are not energized.
Energized Yantra: We offer Yantras only after Energization of the Yantra (Saving the vibration) with proper Mantra with requisite number of times it is being chanted correctly with appropriate method as per shastra.
Use of this Ketu Yantra:
Ketu is the most powerful planets out of all 9 planets and alongwith Rahu, it can negate all efforts and make the efforts go in vain. If Rahu and/or Ketu is not favourable, all our effort never fetches the desired result. Ketu yantra (alongwith Rahu Yantra) gives us to negate the negative energy of Ketu and expect more positives for our efforts. It can give the following, if it energized with proper mantras as per procedures given below and maintain the yantra properly:
- 1. Success for our effort.
- 2. Sakala Karya Siddhi (Success in Attempts)
- 3. Removing hurdles in marriages, business, education etc.
- 4. Good to have during Ketu dasa Bhukti period to negate the bad effect of Ketu.
- 5. To improve knowledge.
- 6. Ketu is responsible for Spirituality, Intelligence, Wisdom and Losses.
How to energize Ketu Yantra:
Both Men and Women can perform this pooja.
How many times we should do japa to energise the yantras:
Ketu Mahadasa period is 7 years. So we need to chant Ketu Mantras for 7000 times as per shastra.
Kethu Adhidevatha – Prayer – Mantra – Days – Parihara
- Adhidevatha: Vinayakar
- Kethu Parihara Temple : Kalahasthi, Keezhaperumpallam (Near Poompuhar) Nagerkoil, Thirupampuram.
- Days & time : Tuesday and Saturday.
- Ketu Beeja Mantra : ‘Om shraam shreem shraum saha ketave namaha’
- Ketu Stothram :
- Palaasha Pushpa Sankaasham Tarakaa Graha Mastakam
- Roudram Roudraa-tmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamaamya-ham
- Meaning: Salutations to Ketu,Who has an appearance of a Palashaa flower, has a star on his head and terrible at look and who is ugly and the soul of Terror.
- Ketu Gayatri : (to be recited 7000 times, preferably with horse-gram)
- om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae
- soola hastaaya dheemahi
- tanno ketu: prachodayaat
- Meaning: Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag, Oh, He who has a trident in his hand, give me higher intellect, And let Kethu illuminate my mind.
How to keep the yantra clean and powerful for longer period:
To get good result from the yantra for the maximum period is to keep the yantra clean and proper. Some guidance give below need to be followed:
- 1.Always keep the yantra in a silk cloth or if you are carrying in a wallet, Yantra should be covered with a silk cloth. (Silk cloth is considered pure till it is washed or worn while eating)
- 2. Mandatory: Pray the yantra atleast once in a day (preferably in the morning after taking bath)
- 3. Preferable : Apply kumkum/sandal and show doop (only if possible.)
- 4. Please do not carry the yantra to inauspicious place like death ceremony etc. If you had carried by accident or mistake, no problem. Clean the yantra with Milk and water and dry it with a pure cloth the next day morning and again wrap it with silk cloth.
- 5. If you keep the yantras in pooja room, kindly keep it in the west facing east direction (except some yantras which were specifically told to keep other place or direction)
If you are not able to perform, you can opt for Rahu – Ketu Yantras:
Rahu–Ketu Mantra Japa – Yantra – Parihara Details: (queries to
Rahu – Ketu Yantras: We have done 18000 Mantra Japas for Rahu Yantra and 7000 Mantra Japas for Ketu Yantra (the numbers are as per the Shastra Pariharas) with their favourite prasad (Black Full Urid Dal (Karuppu Muzhu Ulundu) for Rahu and Horsegram (Kollu) for Ketu). These are done after chanting the mantras for their respective Adhi Devada’s – Mariyamma for Rahu & Vinayaka for Ketu.
Yantras kept @ Grahas and its Adhi-Devathas feet for blessings: After performing the japa, the Yantras were kept at the feet of Rahu (Thirunageswaram) and Ketu (keezhaperumpallam) and archana was done on 25th Dec. Tuesday. Then the yantras were kept at their athi-devatha viz., Rahu Yantras @ Samayapuram Mariamman’s lotus feet and Ketu Yantra @ Tiruchi Rockfort Malaikottai Manikka Vinayakar’s feet for their blessings on 27th December Pournami day.
What is Yantra: As per hindu shastra, the mantras and its vibration cannot be preserve for many hours/days without an instrument made up of Gold/silver/Copper/Bronze. So we use God in idols/yantra form to preserve the mantra vibration forever by proper maintainance. Here we use copper yantras while doing these 25000 japas.
Size and usage of the Yantraa: Size is 2” x 2” and made up of Copper. Both need to be carried and can be kept in the wallet (purse). (Picture – Size of the Yantras given at the bottom of this page)
Package and how to use : As yantras has to be kept wrapped in Silk cloth, these two Yantras were packed in a Red colour Pure Silk cloth for Ketu Yantra and Black cotton-silk for Rahu Yantra (as original silk in black colour is not available as it is very rare silk saree available in black).
Kindly keep it in wallet wrapped in a silk cloth always. Please do not carry the yantra in inauspicious occasions. If situation arises where you had been to a inauspicious place, dont worry. Kindly wash the yantra with milk and water the next day, dry and wrap and keep it in wallet again.
The cost breakup of the Yantras are as follows:
Rahu Yantra Ketu Yantra
Cost of Copper Yantra Rs.30 Rs.30
Cost of Daily Pooja Material Rs.360 Rs.140
Dakshina (Fees) Rs.251 Rs.101
Regd Postage (within India) Rs. 50 Rs. 50
Total Cost Rs.691 Rs.321
How to Pay: You can send a cheque in favour of “K.Srivathsan” (if it id DD, kindly make it payable at Tiruchi) alongwith your name & address to us : K.Srivathsan, S3, Bharath Castle, Old EB Office Road, Srirangam, Tiruchi – 620006. Tamilnadu. for queries : Phone : 9944888886.
Or You can transfer funds online to : SRIVATHSAN KRSIHNASWAMY – ICICI A/c No.0014 0102 3224 (Branch: Srirangam; IFSC Code: ICIC0006125 and mail your address to
People from Outside India:
We humbly request you to kindly buy these yantras through your relatives in India and request them to send it to you as not only it will be cheaper for you but also it will be easier for us too.
In case if you don’t have any relative in India, then kindly send US$25 for each Yantra through paypal only. Paypal id: and can mail your address to
3 thoughts on “Ketu Yantra”
Sir I have ketu mahadasha till 2024 i have lost all my Money so pl tell what to do
Sir, as per my husbands horoscope, Ketu dasha is going on since last 2 years and will continue for another 5 years. Just before the beginning of ketu dasha, he lost all his savings, then his job. He is without job since last 2 years.
What is the remedy. Is there any remedy. Can Ketu yantra help in any way. He may not recite any mantra, can i do it on his behalf.
I have emailed you. Please see it. Thanks.